
Friday 3 May 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness: Ears to you, Mister Spock

The London premiere has been and gone.

The reality that we are only weeks,  in some respects days, away from seeing the final finished product is more than a little tantalising. It was the most well attended of the world premieres so far with not only the full crew (sans John Cho and Anton Yelchin) as well as Noel Clarke in attendance but also Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, and producer Bryan Burk as you can see from this pic here:

Kirk: "Your boyfriend's second guessing me every chance he gets."

So what better way to start your day but with the fifth clip! This time out it's Kirk and Uhura discussing Spock with the appropriate title of Ears Burning?. James T is finding him hard to comprehend but the twist and slight humour are in the revelation that Uhura's relationship with the the Vulcan is having a moment. Then turbo lift has traditionally been a great place to stage these one on one discussions -  either here or the brig - in every series from The Original Series to Enterprise.

Kirk: Are you guys fighting...oh my god what is that even like?!

The relationships between Spock,  Kirk and Uhura are very different to their classic counterparts. There seems to be a more friendly bickering between the captain and his first officer while between Kirk and Uhura there's something of a confidante role for Jim.

Yesterday we had the note on the new Simon and Schuster competition on their Pinterest page and today on the you'll spot an additional little button in the top corner which gets you to tweet IAm#The1701 and get the chance to win two tickets to the Los Angeles premiere this month. Don't forget that you can also click through here to see the new 3D version of the final international trailer - don't forget your glasses!!!

If you're fancying some (relatively) cheap promo materials, why not head over to this site and pick up some Star Trek Into Darkness goodies NOW before the offer goes into national newspapers this weekend (4/5 May 2013). The items and postage costs are listed below - that's all you'll pay!

Additionally there's a new TV spot entitled Return which adds nothing new but focuses on Harrison while complimenting this morning's new clip we have a great behind the scenes short with Zoe "Uhura" Saldana which currently is available here but not for UK viewing - we'll update later! Add to that two extra TV spots entitled The Future and The Dark  which add some microscopic snippets of new clippings in there if you look hard enough and know what you've already seen.

USS Vengeance heads towards San Francisco in The Future

Spock rocks the seatbelt look in The Dark
Further to yesterday's news that the Star Trek Into Darkness soundtrack would be hitting shelves on May 28th, here's the back cover with the track listing visible. You can also listen to samples of the tracks by visiting The soundtrack is reported to  be over 44 minutes long and be released on vinyl as well as CD (and likely download too). I've included links here via Amazon if you're looking to purchase (sidebars).

Kre-O have now offically launched their Star Trek range with the Enterprise, Klingon Bird of Prey, Volcano Mission, Transporter Trouble and Space Dive sets being the first out of the box. Here's the Enterprise in all her glory, complete with Kirk, Spock and some non-descripts...

You can also get some min-ships of the Enterprise, Klingon cruiser, Spock's jellyfish from the 2009 film and the USS Kelvin (left). They're not as impressive but a lot easier I suspect on the wallet (and the stands are pretty cool). You can view them all at 

If you happen to get bored for five minutes today - how about this from Virgin Media - 50 facts about the Star Trek movies. There's one or two in here I didn't know...

Keep us bookmarked and drop back during the day for more news or click over the Countdown to Star Trek Into Darkness label below for all the news from the last week of buildup.

Kre-O images from
Premiere picture from
Ears Burning? stills from SKoST
Ears Burning clip from
The Future and The Dark clips courtesy of Paramount (YouTube)
50 Things... courtesy of Virgin Media

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