How am I feeling right now?
A bit shocked, surprised and very, very, very excited. Monday November 2nd 2015 has now joined the ranks of September 8th 1966 and September 28th 1987 in Star Trek lore because today it was announced that the show we love will be back on our screens in January 2017 courtesy of CBS and their All Access service. It's news we have been waiting a long time to hear and with the 50th anniversary around the corner I have to admit I was expecting us to hear something in 2016 rather than now. Still just can't believe it's going to happen!!!

What do we know besides the launch date? Very little but that's to be expected since we're only having the fact Star Trek is returning announced. We also know that Alex Kurtzman is producing which suggests were going to see a series more action-orientated than before and may well take more nods from the JJ-verse style than Roddenberry's vision. I know the internet is already alight with 'it must have this' and 'they must do that' but, frankly, they can do what the hell they want with the franchise so prepare yourselves right now that you might not be completely happy with the results.
As for cast, concept, ship, aliens and the rest we know precisely zero. In fact we know little more when it comes to Beyond which will be with us in a shade over seven months. But there's so much energy around this announcement that no one's really thinking about the finer points right now because we have at least confirmation that there will be new Star Trek on our TVs once a week.
We will be seeking out new life and new civilisations which suggests something going back to the roots of both The Original Series and The Next Generation so we could even get an Enterprise. Will it be in the future decades after Voyager? Will it even be set in the Prime Universe? Could it be set parallel to the action of the movies not dissimilar to Agents of SHIELD and the Marvel movies? Can you imagine how incredible the visuals are going to look? Please let these characters actually have personalities that develop!!!

Behind the camera we have confirmed that Kurtzman acting as exec with Heather Kadin producing with him but apparently reporting up to Alex. Kurtzman's credits are eminently bankable having co-written two Star Trek movies plus Transformers, its sequel Revenge of the Fallen plus The Amazing Spiderman 2. What strikes me is that while eminently bankable these aren't films that have been critically well-received or been that highly regarded for their scripts. I would also question whether he knows the franchise intimately as is sugested by the press release since the two previous Star Trek reboot movies have veered considerably from their inspiration.
Heather Kadin is an unknown quantity to me as I've not seen any of her work but she is directly linked with Kurtzman having worked with him on Scorpion, Sleepy Hollow and Limitless. What she will bring to the franchise I'm not really sure aside from some more fresh blood and a new set of eyes to work out the details.
How we'll get to see it in the UK hasn't been revealed. In the US it will be first run on CBS All Access which costs $5.99 per week so we could see it land on something like Netflix prior to the seasonal box set release. The pilot will be shown on the main CBS network before going to the subscription service for the remainder of its run. In fact it will be the first new series to be shown in this manner by CBS.
The internet fury certainly kicked off quickly with over 49,000 tweets 109,000 tweets (amended 3/11/15) on the subject and key forums being flooded with the same story plus vehement analysis of the release. Star Trek fans certainly have concrete opinions and a series from the same stable that brought us the reboot is going to be controversial before the first frame has even been shot. Love it or hate it, Star Trek is back where it belongs on the small screen and it will undoubtedly divide the fanbase. But this is a different time, a new era in the franchise and I am looking forward to seeing how a new show is tackled differently to a reboot movie series or how it works to respect its heritage.
Starting counting down to January 2017 now because the news is going to be coming thick and fast now we have a launch date. Will there be a 26 episode season? Will we be on a Federation ship? Are they going to bring back the Borg? Will we see any significant cameos or is it all going JJ-verse?

Hey, it could even become the biggest TV phenomenon of the 21st Century - now there's a thought....
Header image taken from press release. All other images from Google Images
What do you think? If this isn't the biggest Star Trek news since the reboot was announced!!!
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